Week in Review: 29 Feb - 6 Mar '16

This week started off well. It was intended to be a bit of a recovery week so I cut down on the length of my morning runs, but kept the easy evening runs on Tuesday and Thursday.

This seemed to go quite well until Saturday when I woke up feeling OK, but was then absolutely shattered after getting home from parkrun. My parkrun performance wasn't stellar - 19:10, 10 seconds slower than last week - suggesting I was quite tired. I spent the rest of the day barely managing to be coherent and keeping my eyes open. It was like being slightly drunk, without being drunk.

Thinking back over the week, I don't think the tiredness was due to my training, but more likely due to several later than usual nights, a few too many glasses of :wine_glass: or 🍺 and several nights where I woke at silly o'clock with my mind racing about work stuff - it's tough being a new full time software developer 😉.

I had an early night last night and slept a solid 8h45m before my body woke me at the usual time. Opted not to go for a long run today as I really didn't feel like it - still feeling tired - and this is meant to be a recovery week.

Gonna take tomorrow off as usual and see how I feel on Tuesday. I'll definitely be practicing good sleep hygiene to ensure I get in some good nights' sleep.