As suspected last week, I didn't manage to get in the barefoot miles this week that I got in last week. I did try once, but the route I took turned out to be a lot tougher on the feet than expected, especially the chestnut and other tree debris in the early and latter parts of the route. The early morning cold doesn't make things any easier either, though my feet did warm up quite quickly.

One plus side of last week is I felt fantastic after every run, so kept on running. As a result I quite happily ticked through 20km (over 22km in fact) without any complaints. Other than the 4.96km done barefoot, the rest were all done in my Vibrams.

I think next week I'll do a bit of out-and-back on the smoother sections of the routes round work to get more barefoot time in. What will be interesting is seeing how I cope with the cold in the early mornings. The clocks have gone back today, so in theory it should be lighter and thus slightly warmer, though winter is fast approaching. Who knows, I may have to move the barefoot runs to the afternoon. We'll see.